The Brutal Reality Check that is a Week and a Half of Normal Activity

What happens when someone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a whole host of other invisible ailments tries to keep up with normal humans for a week and a half? Let’s find out!

Western Medicine’s Uneasy Relationship with the Mind & Body Connection

It’s no real secret that Western Medicine is deeply uncomfortable admitting that there is a mind and body connection when it comes to the health of an individual. This often mixes with a  deep unspoken systematic misogyny that colors a

Read More Western Medicine’s Uneasy Relationship with the Mind & Body Connection

Digging Deeper into my Roots in Search of Inspiration..

often my life seems like a snake eating it’s own tail but there are answers if I chose to listen to the wisdom of the Universe.

Chasing Spring Down – Just a General Update

With Winter gone my body recovers and I set my eyes on gardening, cleaning up, and travel.

The Precarious Life Women on Disability Lead in the United States

Life on disability isn’t always the “hand-out” some would like us to believe. Often it puts people on it in very bad situations.

Spring, Spirituality, and Sexuality with Chronic Illness

It’s time to talk about the birds and the bees and why they still apply to people with chronic illness and disabilities.

How to Maintain Balance When Your Health is Poor

All of us need to take care of ourselves but this is especially important of people with chronic health issues.