Eleven Months of Hell has Finally Ended

Living on disability comes with the added stress of knowing you may be ripped off of it at any point for any reason – completely vulnerable to the whims of someone you’ve never met.

How Living on Disability in the US is like being in a Toxic Relationship

How what started as a social welfare net turned into a punishment.

My Overly Adventurous Struggle to Submit Paperwork

Well if you’ve been following this blog you know that a few months ago I was told I was being thrown off disability when they determined I’d “improved enough to have gainful employment.” So since the end of October I

Read More My Overly Adventurous Struggle to Submit Paperwork

The Precarious Life Women on Disability Lead in the United States

Life on disability isn’t always the “hand-out” some would like us to believe. Often it puts people on it in very bad situations.

The Impossibility of Being Both Single and Disabled

Living with chronic illness is hard enough for a woman in her thirties without the added stress of having to find a boyfriend to financially take care of you.