The Impossibility of Being Both Single and Disabled

Living with chronic illness is hard enough for a woman in her thirties without the added stress of having to find a boyfriend to financially take care of you.

The Power of a Name – Changing in the Face of Adversity

When life changes who you are at your core does that mean you should abandon the name you were given at birth and chose a new one?

Learning How to Say No – And the Horrific Things That happen When You Don’t: A Survivor’s Tale

One of the hardest things for a young woman to learn these days is how to say no without hesitation or excuse – setting boundaries for ourselves is very important!

On Being in an Abusive Relationship – with Yourself

What do you do when you realize your own body is betraying you in every way that an abusive boyfriend would?

The Psychological Effects of Growing Up with Invisible Illness

What happens to the fragile juvenile mind when their life becomes nothing more than one hospital visit after another?