The Brutal Reality Check that is a Week and a Half of Normal Activity

What happens when someone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a whole host of other invisible ailments tries to keep up with normal humans for a week and a half? Let’s find out!

That Moment When You Can’t Hide it Any Longer

An intimate look at the reality of how chronic illness alters romantic relationships and how we view ourselves.

Eleven Months of Hell has Finally Ended

Living on disability comes with the added stress of knowing you may be ripped off of it at any point for any reason – completely vulnerable to the whims of someone you’ve never met.

How Living on Disability in the US is like being in a Toxic Relationship

How what started as a social welfare net turned into a punishment.

Fatigue is not “Just Being Tired”

…and many people are capable of hiding chronic pain in the same way an injured animal might if there’s a wolf looking at them.

Western Medicine’s Uneasy Relationship with the Mind & Body Connection

It’s no real secret that Western Medicine is deeply uncomfortable admitting that there is a mind and body connection when it comes to the health of an individual. This often mixes with a  deep unspoken systematic misogyny that colors a

Read More Western Medicine’s Uneasy Relationship with the Mind & Body Connection

Coping with Appearing Vulnerable: A Spoonie Nightmare

Relationships are hard. They’re even harder when invisible illness is involved.