More Weird New Symptoms and Finding the Silver Lining Under Chronic Illness

Just because life isn’t what you expect doesn’t mean that it isn’t what it is supposed to be. A messed up foot brings on more epiphanies.

Chasing Spring Down – Just a General Update

With Winter gone my body recovers and I set my eyes on gardening, cleaning up, and travel.

Disability does not mean Throw-Away People

It’s becoming harder and harder to earn your way off of disability but easier and easier to get kicked off it. What are we with invisible illness to do?

Finding Peace within the Chaos – My First Baby Steps Back into Homesteading

Sometimes you just have to suck it all up and bulldog your way through the worst of it.

Spring, Spirituality, and Sexuality with Chronic Illness

It’s time to talk about the birds and the bees and why they still apply to people with chronic illness and disabilities.

Keeping Your Mind Open to the Tiny Joys in Life

It’s time to stop and smell the flowers, to appreciate life, to find hope and joy in the tiny moments we lose ourselves to awe.

How to Maintain Balance When Your Health is Poor

All of us need to take care of ourselves but this is especially important of people with chronic health issues.

The Impossibility of Being Both Single and Disabled

Living with chronic illness is hard enough for a woman in her thirties without the added stress of having to find a boyfriend to financially take care of you.

On Being in an Abusive Relationship – with Yourself

What do you do when you realize your own body is betraying you in every way that an abusive boyfriend would?