And So the Gauntlet Begins – My Return to the World of Medicine in a Quest for Answers

I return to the medical establishment that I’d learned to mistrust to seek a diagnosis once again – this time enduring more tests while juggling positively stupid insurance policies!

The Big Bad World of Neuro Atypical Comorbidity

I ponder if comorbitity can’t jump the mind body divide. Could my atypical brain have something to do with my rarely functioning body?

Autopsy of a Relationship with a Narcissist

I thought I had the perfect relationship but that’s just because that’s what my narcissistic ex wanted me to think. Looking back – there had been signs. A story of surviving narcissistic abuse.

More Weird New Symptoms and Finding the Silver Lining Under Chronic Illness

Just because life isn’t what you expect doesn’t mean that it isn’t what it is supposed to be. A messed up foot brings on more epiphanies.

Daisy Gets a Death Sentence – Mourning my Damn Car

Daisy was my “partner in crime” for a brief but terribly memorable period. Saying good bye is never easy.

Chasing Spring Down – Just a General Update

With Winter gone my body recovers and I set my eyes on gardening, cleaning up, and travel.

Disability does not mean Throw-Away People

It’s becoming harder and harder to earn your way off of disability but easier and easier to get kicked off it. What are we with invisible illness to do?

Harnessing your Anger for the Greater Good

As women we’ve been told a million times not to “get emotional” or “cause a scene” but maybe it’s about time we called bullshit on this advice.

The Precarious Life Women on Disability Lead in the United States

Life on disability isn’t always the “hand-out” some would like us to believe. Often it puts people on it in very bad situations.