The Brutal Reality Check that is a Week and a Half of Normal Activity

What happens when someone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a whole host of other invisible ailments tries to keep up with normal humans for a week and a half? Let’s find out!

Eleven Months of Hell has Finally Ended

Living on disability comes with the added stress of knowing you may be ripped off of it at any point for any reason – completely vulnerable to the whims of someone you’ve never met.

Relearning what Love Means After a Narcissist Warps It

What does love feel like without lovebombing and trauma bonding?

Millennials, Boomers, and the Helpless Mess we all are when a Stroke is Involved

You’re spending time with mom when your stepdad sends a FaceBook message that makes you think he’s had a stroke but he’s three hours away and not thinking right. What do you do?

Keeping Hope at the Sight of More Negative Test Results

Another battery of tests has revealed very little and I am wondering where to go from here..

Living with a Hoarder is Hard Even After De-Hoarding

Just when I got my own space cleaned something came along to fuck it up again…