Moving Back in with a Hoarder – the Consequences and Eventual Peace

Depression creeps forward only to be beaten back ferociously by sheer determination.

Learning How to Reframe the Hurdles in Your Life Into Wanted Challenges

I’m living with my mother in a hoarded up house because I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and have nowhere else to go but it’s teaching me many valuable life lessons.

Learning to Balance Intellectual Intensity with my Flaky Health

What happens when your mind burns with the intensity of the sun while your body plods along like it’s slogging through cold molasses? Well it’s not easy!

Finding Peace within the Chaos – My First Baby Steps Back into Homesteading

Sometimes you just have to suck it all up and bulldog your way through the worst of it.

Spring, Spirituality, and Sexuality with Chronic Illness

It’s time to talk about the birds and the bees and why they still apply to people with chronic illness and disabilities.

Acceptance is not Easy but is is Essential

I will show you how in the past few weeks I have gone from anger to hope if you are patient enough to hang on for the ride…

Keeping Your Mind Open to the Tiny Joys in Life

It’s time to stop and smell the flowers, to appreciate life, to find hope and joy in the tiny moments we lose ourselves to awe.