Tag: funny (page 1 of 3)

Glen and the Red Heron…

I was going to draw this last week and actually post it on time but I ended up running into massive self-inflicted technical difficulties! Suffice to say I fried my laptop’s brains and my PC went on strike when I accidentally overloaded its memory… which resulted in me not being able to save anything…

But we’re back! And happy to be so! And isn’t Glen frigging adorbs investigating bad puns? I thought so.

The Making of Glen

I could of spent a lot longer doing this comic in a more anal-retentive manner but I’m sort of in between doing 300 other things so I did this whole comic quick and dirty. I had no idea herons were such an easy shape to draw! Who knew!

Glen’s Happy New Uniform…

Life’s been pretty chaotic lately. I spent nearly a month fighting with my travel blog Catching Marbles which was displaying the dreaded White Screen of Death so I was a bit preoccupied to do too much with Glen. But I love Glen. And after watching the new Start Trek cartoon I couldn’t help but join in on the amicable spoofery. (Also why is my spell check accepting spoofery as a word? That cannot be right.)

The Making of Glen

This week’s comic was the first time I tried to incorporate a real place that I’ve actually been to – the Valley of the Gods. Now, if you don’t know what the Valley of the Gods is I’ll tell you. It’s this absolutely stunning spot out in the middle of the desert that just about every Western you’ve ever seen and a great deal of the original Star Trek was filmed. I’m not sure if they were specifically at Valley of the Gods or just somewhere really close – either way look at all that orange sand! HOW ALIEN!

Also going to note it was weirdly hard to draw the little Star Trek insignia AND I discovered it’s gone through several changes over the years but was basically a spiraling squiggle back in the day…

Glen Discusses the Unfair Type Casting of Space Spiders…

Oh, it feels so good to be back after this unanticipated two week hiatus! I apologize for our conspicuous absence – it was a combination of technical difficulties and illness but we’re back on track now! And we’re tipping our hats to all you wonderful sci-fi geeks out there. You know we love you!

The Making of Glen

As with everything lately this comic started out as something completely different – a joke about space grasshoppers – but do you know how hard space grasshoppers are to draw?! I THOUGHT mechanical space spiders might be easier but whew… I’m not so sure now! Even so I had fun with this one and with the additional jokes coming from the mouths of the spiders themselves. The sci-fi genre should be careful or these little buggars might unionize and demand at least one series show them in a positive light!

Glen’s Post Easter Nightmare

I was going to draw Glen being pursued by earless chocolate Easter bunnies but somehow that turned into him hatching all goo-covered out of a Cadbury egg. both scenarios are terrifying and sadly hilarious so I make no apologies.

The Making of Glen

There were A LOT of layers in this comic and it seemed like every time I forgot to make a new layer I had to pay for it by re-drawing whatever it was into a new layer after erasing the first attempt. I am slowly learning how to draw freehand better so everything on this strip was done this way – no tracing! I am content in how far I have come and where I am going. The future of my illustrations seems bright. The only thing I had difficulty with was making a basket that looked woven… which I think I failed but at least it’s basket shaped and no one is going to nit pick at this tiny detail – save for me.

Glen Plays the Devil’s Advocate for Satan’s Lonely Heart…

So last week I grew restless and tried to escape my boredom by visiting the location of a botched horse cremation. I didn’t really comprehend it was at the top of a mountain and REALLY messed myself up and spent the rest of the week recovering… which brings me to today, Monday, where I am sitting here staring at a blank screen wondering what the heck I am going to draw for this week’s Glen comic.

Finding no real inspiration I procrastinated by scrolling aimlessly through my Twitter (@TheophanesAvery) feed. For some reason it was inundated with references to Satan this morning?! I didn’t figure I had the emotional bandwidth to look into why Satanic Panic was trending so instead I just let my mind wander and BAMB! Inspiration for a Glen comic!

The Making of Glen

Today’s comic was SUPER simple although I did learn that I have completely forgotten how to draw flames… ah well, can’t keep everything in my head. The one thing I did differently was giving Glen a considerable dialogue that was in and of itself the joke. I don’t know if this will fly but at this point I’m calling it good. Maybe next week will be less stressful and allow me proper inspiration. One can always hope.

Glen Learns Why the Itsy Bitsy Spider Went up the Water Spout

After a surprise week off I am back and so is Glen! Up to his usual chatting with the other bugs in his world, this time it’s the Itsy Bitsy Spider who seems a bit banged up…

The Making of Glen

As of late I have been really getting into the illustration but most of it has been creating designs to use as tattoos on leather scraps I have. I just want to see if I can grow my talents and make this little doodling hobby of mine actually useful in some way. As much as I love Glen he’s… a poor fundraiser. To date no one has ever bought anything from his shop or thrown me a few bucks for making them smile. It just doesn’t happen.

Glen Visits the Local Library…

Happy Monday everyone! I hope Sunday’s Valentine’s celebrations have found you well – even all you beautiful single people out there (both willful and not.) I know with the ongoing pandemic we’re all a bit… shut in. So why not daydream about the summer reading programs most libraries host for small children? And have a bit of ice cream while we’re at it!

The Making of Glen

Big news! I have decided to invest in Glen a bit and have upgraded my Wacom tablet with a Gaomon tablet that has a screen. To anyone who doesn’t illustrate things on the computer this doesn’t sound like much but it’s a HUGE improvement. I no longer am experiencing lag when I draw and it’s made the whole process all the smoother and more intuitive. I am excited to see what I can do with this. As you can see by today’s comic I already accidentally learned how to give Glen and his friends a healthy glow. Now let’s see what other trouble I can get into!

Glen Stumbles Onto a Writer’s Block

It’s Monday again and as usual I am coming up blank with ideas… which gave me an idea! Here’s Glen taking a happy jaunt in the mountains when he stumbles upon… an actual writer’s block!

The Making of Glen

This week’s Glen might have been low on inspiration but it wasn’t low on enthusiasm! I have been watching a lot of Archer lately and I am so impressed by the layering and complexity that it has inspired me to take my overly simplistic little drawings and see how far I can push them. I mean I am not nearly as talented as the animators on that show but maybe someday with practice I could be… and maybe, just maybe, I should be dabbling in animation myself!

Glen Observes a Moment of Prayer…

Ooooh Glen, always trying to join in the fun. He may have bitten off more than he can chew on this one. Har-de-har-har.

The Making of Glen

I was running low on inspiration this week and running late drawing it. I really need to stop waiting until Friday! In any event it didn’t come out half bad. It took me less than an hour to draw. I traced a praying mantis, copy and pasted, and flipped horizontal to make two facing each other. All and all a very simple comic this week.

Glen Does an Infomercial

Today Glen shows everyone his little side hustle – perfume for cats. I think we can all agree we needed this this week. I know I did!

The Making of Glen

This week my inspiration for Glen was someone who wasn’t talking so well and said purry-fume instead of perfume. It was a long and trying week on us all but this made me laugh because I thought, “That COULD actually be a word…” And so I set about making a little infomercial. I didn’t do anything special illustrationwise but I am happy with the aesthetics none-the-less, and the idea of making the purrfume into a cat bottle that spritzes perfume out of it’s mouth… again that was all me being weird while I was drawing the thing. In the interest of keeping glen PG (which I don’t actually always want to do but my internet audience seems to want) I refrained from making a series of crude puns. SIIIIIIGH.

I think everyone is going a little insane lately. God know I am, so it’s been really nice to come up with a Glen comic I’m actually pretty proud of. Hope it made you laugh!