Happy Monday everyone! I hope Sunday’s Valentine’s celebrations have found you well – even all you beautiful single people out there (both willful and not.) I know with the ongoing pandemic we’re all a bit… shut in. So why not daydream about the summer reading programs most libraries host for small children? And have a bit of ice cream while we’re at it!

The Making of Glen

Big news! I have decided to invest in Glen a bit and have upgraded my Wacom tablet with a Gaomon tablet that has a screen. To anyone who doesn’t illustrate things on the computer this doesn’t sound like much but it’s a HUGE improvement. I no longer am experiencing lag when I draw and it’s made the whole process all the smoother and more intuitive. I am excited to see what I can do with this. As you can see by today’s comic I already accidentally learned how to give Glen and his friends a healthy glow. Now let’s see what other trouble I can get into!