Glen is a descendant of the infamous hookah-smoking caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. He met Theophanes Avery sometime in the late 1990’s or early 2000’s and they became fast friends. They had a few brief years at each other’s side. Glen ran around making chortling noises and eating random objects while Theophanes shoved him into costumes and made him reenact bizarre song lyrics. Through dozens of comics drawn in Classic Microsoft Paint Glen could suddenly be seen by the world but it wasn’t to last. As life took Theophanes’ attention away Glen faded into the background with all the rest of youth’s simple joys.

Most of the original Glen comics have been lost to time – eaten by numerous dead PC’s before the age of Dropbox. However a few still remain and can be seen in all their crudely drawn adorableness in The Vaults. Recently Theophanes decided to revisit Glen and all his friends and found that he was still as vibrant and alive as ever. In fact several people lamented that they missed Glen. And so Theophanes took a deep breath and entered the modern world with the purchase of a drawing tablet and dove into the big bad world of modern illustration with no formal education in the field what-so-ever. It’s been an adventure but the little rubbery creature Theophanes loved in their teen years has been resurrected for you, and you, and even you. Enjoy!