I was going to draw Glen being pursued by earless chocolate Easter bunnies but somehow that turned into him hatching all goo-covered out of a Cadbury egg. both scenarios are terrifying and sadly hilarious so I make no apologies.

The Making of Glen

There were A LOT of layers in this comic and it seemed like every time I forgot to make a new layer I had to pay for it by re-drawing whatever it was into a new layer after erasing the first attempt. I am slowly learning how to draw freehand better so everything on this strip was done this way – no tracing! I am content in how far I have come and where I am going. The future of my illustrations seems bright. The only thing I had difficulty with was making a basket that looked woven… which I think I failed but at least it’s basket shaped and no one is going to nit pick at this tiny detail – save for me.