Life’s been pretty chaotic lately. I spent nearly a month fighting with my travel blog Catching Marbles which was displaying the dreaded White Screen of Death so I was a bit preoccupied to do too much with Glen. But I love Glen. And after watching the new Start Trek cartoon I couldn’t help but join in on the amicable spoofery. (Also why is my spell check accepting spoofery as a word? That cannot be right.)

The Making of Glen

This week’s comic was the first time I tried to incorporate a real place that I’ve actually been to – the Valley of the Gods. Now, if you don’t know what the Valley of the Gods is I’ll tell you. It’s this absolutely stunning spot out in the middle of the desert that just about every Western you’ve ever seen and a great deal of the original Star Trek was filmed. I’m not sure if they were specifically at Valley of the Gods or just somewhere really close – either way look at all that orange sand! HOW ALIEN!

Also going to note it was weirdly hard to draw the little Star Trek insignia AND I discovered it’s gone through several changes over the years but was basically a spiraling squiggle back in the day…