The Big Bad World of Neuro Atypical Comorbidity

I ponder if comorbitity can’t jump the mind body divide. Could my atypical brain have something to do with my rarely functioning body?

My First Excursion has Left Me Depleted!

I have a very busy day with friends and travel – fully expecting I’d have to pay for it.

Autopsy of a Relationship with a Narcissist

I thought I had the perfect relationship but that’s just because that’s what my narcissistic ex wanted me to think. Looking back – there had been signs. A story of surviving narcissistic abuse.

More Weird New Symptoms and Finding the Silver Lining Under Chronic Illness

Just because life isn’t what you expect doesn’t mean that it isn’t what it is supposed to be. A messed up foot brings on more epiphanies.

Daisy Gets a Death Sentence – Mourning my Damn Car

Daisy was my “partner in crime” for a brief but terribly memorable period. Saying good bye is never easy.