This week I decided to rely heavily on nostalgia and draw Glen in an old video game like we used to play in the 80’s. I remember them well… We had a Nintendo at the time with those big clunky cartridges, I think three or so which we owned, always having to blow the dust out of them so they might work. There’s just something about the aesthetics of these classics and the weird beep music that gives us all pretty vivid memories. Even though I have been drawing Glen for a long time he’s still not quite that old so I had to send him back in time a bit… and well… time travel is a tricky business.

The Making of Glen

Going Old School to make pixel art was a blast. It really reminded me of the days I started drawing Glen in classic Microsoft Paint. I wasn’t very meticulous about it though. I know I could have been, coloring in every pixel one at a time… If I had the energy or time for that I would have happily done so but these days I’m short on both so I cheated a little bit. I shrunk the canvas size so I cold make a grid of single pixels and proceeded to draw almost normally and use the fill-in tool instead of coloring each individually. And then so you could see it at a decent size I enlarged the whole image. I think it’s halfway decent considering. I also hand drew all the lettering which was… oddly difficult but it gives it that Old School feel I can’t get enough of.