Tag: pun (page 1 of 3)

Glen and the Red Heron…

I was going to draw this last week and actually post it on time but I ended up running into massive self-inflicted technical difficulties! Suffice to say I fried my laptop’s brains and my PC went on strike when I accidentally overloaded its memory… which resulted in me not being able to save anything…

But we’re back! And happy to be so! And isn’t Glen frigging adorbs investigating bad puns? I thought so.

The Making of Glen

I could of spent a lot longer doing this comic in a more anal-retentive manner but I’m sort of in between doing 300 other things so I did this whole comic quick and dirty. I had no idea herons were such an easy shape to draw! Who knew!

Glen’s Short Lived Job as a Hairstylist Results in the Creation of a New Cryptid…

You know when you’re just sitting there minding your own business, chilling to some documentaries and then something so outrageous pops up you can’t stop laughing? That’s totally what happened when I learned about Sheepsquach and obviously I had to figure out how such a monster could be… and Glen had the answer!

The Making of Glen

I’m having one of those mornings where everything I touch falls to pieces which is why this comic isn’t as good as it could be. I LOVE the texture of Sheepsquach’s hair but the brush I was using to make it disappeared just as I was about to draw an arm for him?! Just gone. No idea what happened to it but I am super sad because it looked so good! Clearly I still need help drawing Bigfoot’s face because no matter how many times I attempt it he just looks… weird. SIGH. Maybe next week I will do better. I am surprised I was even able to draw a Glen this week after taking last week off due to an IMMENSE amount of stress going on in my life right now.

Glen’s Dinner is Stolen by Fluted Mushooms

This week’s Glen has been brought to you by a Julia Child cookbook and a tale of culinary school horror. To think until last week I had no idea what a fluted mushroom was. This explains why in Glen’s world fluted mushrooms are musical…

The Making of Glen

For the first time in a long time this week’s comic came to me long before I had to draw it. I still wasn’t sure how to draw an anthropomorphized mushroom but I think I did somewhat OK. And I admit I did not spend a lot of time on the flutes… but I didn’t think it really mattered. It was really just the idea I was trying to get across.

Glen Learns Why the Itsy Bitsy Spider Went up the Water Spout

After a surprise week off I am back and so is Glen! Up to his usual chatting with the other bugs in his world, this time it’s the Itsy Bitsy Spider who seems a bit banged up…

The Making of Glen

As of late I have been really getting into the illustration but most of it has been creating designs to use as tattoos on leather scraps I have. I just want to see if I can grow my talents and make this little doodling hobby of mine actually useful in some way. As much as I love Glen he’s… a poor fundraiser. To date no one has ever bought anything from his shop or thrown me a few bucks for making them smile. It just doesn’t happen.

Glen gets Trapped Back in Time…

This week I decided to rely heavily on nostalgia and draw Glen in an old video game like we used to play in the 80’s. I remember them well… We had a Nintendo at the time with those big clunky cartridges, I think three or so which we owned, always having to blow the dust out of them so they might work. There’s just something about the aesthetics of these classics and the weird beep music that gives us all pretty vivid memories. Even though I have been drawing Glen for a long time he’s still not quite that old so I had to send him back in time a bit… and well… time travel is a tricky business.

The Making of Glen

Going Old School to make pixel art was a blast. It really reminded me of the days I started drawing Glen in classic Microsoft Paint. I wasn’t very meticulous about it though. I know I could have been, coloring in every pixel one at a time… If I had the energy or time for that I would have happily done so but these days I’m short on both so I cheated a little bit. I shrunk the canvas size so I cold make a grid of single pixels and proceeded to draw almost normally and use the fill-in tool instead of coloring each individually. And then so you could see it at a decent size I enlarged the whole image. I think it’s halfway decent considering. I also hand drew all the lettering which was… oddly difficult but it gives it that Old School feel I can’t get enough of.

Glen Infiltrates the Notorious Trash Panda Gang…

These past couple weeks have been especially rough and I have not been doing good. That’s why I ended up waiting until Monday to draw this comic and was at a loss as to what I should be drawing… hence the lack of a punchline… but hey! It’s cute! And done!

The Making of Glen

You know how hard it is to draw a trash panda? Apparently not very. They’re basically big furry blobs. I did however learn that I could achieve a better hair effect by scribbling both ways with the finger blur tool. before I was going in one direction and using a different stroke for each hair! TIME CONSUMING. Glad I found this delightful hack.

Glen Spots a Peeping Tom…

GOOD MORNING! Or…. afternoon really. How’s my lovely audience out there? I’m sitting here waiting for a good old fashioned Nor’ Easter to blow through and bury us all in snow. In the meantime Glen is chilling, as you can see, coming out of a luxurious bath only to let us meet a new character – the peeping Tom.

The Making of Glen

Last night I spent some time setting up a new swag shop for Glen and while I was looking over old designs I was wowed at how far I have come and how much I have learned just tooling around here drawing a Glen every week. Tonight’s comic shows how far I have come with layers to draw a turkey and then an opaque window over it. It’s a simple design and yet… there’s some tricks here. I look forward to drawing more and seeing how far I can take this.

Glen Lets us Meet his Ancestors

Why not start out your week with no less than THREE butterfly puns. There’s something for everyone in this comic – bugs, opera references, a prison escape, and a beloved science theory!! We really outdid ourselves and I hope delivered a chuckle or two.

The Making of Glen

This week I had NO IDEA what I was supposed to be drawing. Between a three day migraine and being super busy on top of that I didn’t have the luxury of free mental space for Glen. That being said I don’t think this last minute drawing was all that bad! It brought together a bunch of random things kicking around in my brain.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to make a butterfly that looks like a geisha?! HARD. But at least the wallpaper was a super easy cut n’ paste. All and all I am not unhappy. I think it’s pretty cute. Although I do think these comics with too many words or obscure references perform poorly. Oh well, I like it, and I guess at the end of the day that’s all that really matters. That and if I can get one person to clap so these comics don’t die…


Glen Meets the Monster in the Aquarium

With my happier spirits Glen appears to be getting cuter again. This time he’s using a tiny diving bell to explore the household aquarium…

The Making of Glen

I don’t think I did anything particularly new with this comic besides mess with the opacity of the final blue layer – giving it the illusion of being under water. Even so I am very happy with how it has come out and I think Glen has come a long way in just a short amount of time.

Glen and the Mad Hatterpillars…

This week’s Glen started out as a morbid joke and somehow ended up in a really well suited pun. It refers to an actual real-life species of caterpillars called the gum leaf skeletoniser. I had no idea when I was drawing said comic that they’re also affectionately nicknamed mad hatterpillars!

The Making of Glen

This week’s panel is super simple. It was an easy image born from the fact a week’s worth of cleaning house has left my brain soup. Next week I will try to invite more complexity.