So around Christmas I was feeling a little better physically and the brain fog had almost completely disappeared so I was anxious to be productive again. I accomplished nothing in 2019 which was driving me nuts. The New Year would have to be a fresh slate for me.
So I was looking up how I could make an income as a writer (because let’s face it – I am not making ANY money on my one book) and the answer seemed to be that once you write twenty books that is the golden threshold where you should be able to make a stable income of 50K a year. Twenty books. Sounds daunting but with my body continuing to make phsycial activity difficult, if not impossible, my only real option is to use my brain anyway…
And so my New Year’s resolution was to write at least 2,000 words on every day that I don’t have a migraine or some other malady to keep me off my feet and I would also continue to draw one comic a week for Glen the Caterpillar.
Now that I have focus I feel so much happier. I mean I’m not going to lie – I still feel like crawling out of my own skin, desperate to get out of the house and enjoy some travel or something fun, and my social life is still pretty dead buuuuuut at least I have foud my purpose again!
It’s been a week and I am doing well. I did have a migraine but I wrote extra on a few days just to make up for it. I drew my Glen comic. And between all this I dealt with another pile of really stupid issues at home (this time working around broken plumbing while I wait for it to be fixed.)
For the first time in a long time I feel like I have set myself achievable goals and maybe I will be able to get out of here someday…. on my own without having to rely on someone else to rescue me and that is huge. It’s lifted me out of my secondary depression. I am back up and fighting!