Yesterday a friend of mine was stranded a town over and needed to get back home to Rhode Island, an hour and half away. She had her infant, twelve year old son, and boyfriend in tow. I volunteered to drive them. I actually love driving and on good days there’s few things I enjoy more. Besides spring was here, it was a beautiful day (between a shit ton of rainstorms) and I figured it’d be a perfect excuse to start my travel blog up after a bit of long needed socialization. As usual I planned nothing.

It was a fun drive! I mean we were all pretty cramped in a tiny Prius (which I had to borrow – my own car being on the fritz again.) Still I got a kick out of explaining that no, myself and my friend are not too old to know what RPG stands for to her twelve year old and also… I cannot afford a Tesla. I don’t get to be around kids much. To be honest these days I avoid it – having no little family of my own and no prospects in sight I don’t like to be reminded of my shortcomings. However with that being said I am starting to settle into a new role – everyone’s weird adopted aunt. I can at least do that and I rather enjoy it.

As I was on my way I passed Redemption Rock. I thought that sounded delightfully dramatic so after I dropped them off home I re-found it and went hiking. I didn’t get far. The trails were terrifying – there seemed to be hundreds of them all connected in four way intersections with no markers and in addition to this I twisted and fucked up my knee not long into this ill-planned little jaunt. I limped back to the car feeling like a bit of a wuss. I thought I’d be able to deal with my knees for another hiking season before begging for someone to replace them but I haven’t been able to sit on the ground or floor in at least five years and this year stairs and apparently steep hills have become excruciating. I’m thirty-three and this is fucking ridiculous! In addition to this I had been struggling all day to keep my eyes open. My fatigue has been BAD lately even as my mind whirls and I crave more and more intellectual stimulation. I was considering taking a nap in the car, something I sometimes do when I am out and about travelling, but instead I called another friend in the area. I went out to lunch/dinner with her and we stayed at the Panera talking for hours. It’d been many months since we’d caught up with each other. I more or less dropped off the planet last fall and haven’t been going out to see people…. I had a wonderful time shooting the breeze, watching the interesting assortment of people going in and out of there, and confusing the cashier who thought I was asking for her phone number (I said “fountain drink” – I’m not sure how she misheard me.) In the parking lot on the way out a man yelled from a car asking if it’d hurt to ask for my number. I’ve never had that happen before and blurted out some nonsense about not owning a phone. Life as a demisexual pansexual can be super chaotic and confusing. That’s probably why I’m single… but I digress!
Anyway, I had an awesome day. Spent about nine hours out and about and came home in a state of over stimulation so even though my body was DONE and I couldn’t move anymore my mind still kept me up until 3:30 in the morning. THANKS. This is a common occurrence for me though it’s not at all helpful.

Today I was TOAST. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning thanks to my pets being assholes and trying out for their new percussion band a the crack of dawn. I was up again at 8 for much the same reason and spent the rest of the day in and out of consciousness. My body is WRECKED from the limited amount of physical activity I did and to make it worse when I went to water my garden my skin glimpsed the sun and my pallid shoulders and back pretty much caught fire – OK not really but I am sporting an obscene sun burn. It’s making me even more tired!

Suffice to say I wasted this beautiful day doing not much but sleeping. The rain returns tomorrow. I hope by then I will have recovered enough to go grocery shopping because I desperately need some convenience food to eat while I am not 100%. SIGH. It’s going to be a long and physically painful spring but I am fucking determined. I will continue to write for my travel blog Catching Marbles, I will continue to take beautiful photos, garden, and piece my life back together with what little energy I have… I am not defeated.