I’m a little lat in posting today as I had some big ideas and well… they boiled down to this. I’m not unhappy with it.
The Making of Glen
This week’s Glen started out a cute idea and sort of turned into a snarky political commentary as I was drawing it. I didn’t mean for this to happen it just did – probably because these are things I have been thinking a lot about lately. I read an article yesterday saying countries in lockdown experianced an up to 90% decrease in premature births and scientists have noooo idea why! Thing is just ask any large scale breeder, social worker, or maternity nurse and they’ll tell you why — premature births are usually caused by too much stress on the mother. Telling new to-be moms to stay at home probably greatly reduced their stress levels! DUH.
Sorry, for the rant. I’m just getting increasingly agitated with the status quo. BUT ANYWAY I didn’t do anything new in this comic. Although I did trace a photo of a katydid to get them right. I am still pretty bad at free hand illustration.