Tag: punderful (page 1 of 2)

Glen and the Red Heron…

I was going to draw this last week and actually post it on time but I ended up running into massive self-inflicted technical difficulties! Suffice to say I fried my laptop’s brains and my PC went on strike when I accidentally overloaded its memory… which resulted in me not being able to save anything…

But we’re back! And happy to be so! And isn’t Glen frigging adorbs investigating bad puns? I thought so.

The Making of Glen

I could of spent a lot longer doing this comic in a more anal-retentive manner but I’m sort of in between doing 300 other things so I did this whole comic quick and dirty. I had no idea herons were such an easy shape to draw! Who knew!

Glen Shows Off the Family Photo Album

We’re back! After taking a forced week hiatus due to technical difficulties! And I know, this week’s comic is just a stupid simple pun. It’s getting back to the basics… Glen started out as a late 1960’s/1970’s inspired stoner comic. I drew it when I was a super sober and totally innocent high schooler and now look at me… STILL loving this little guy a lifetime later! Nothing in my life makes sense but I’m not complaining!

The Making of Glen

I am really loving drawing the bubble letters by hand like old music concert posters. I think it adds quite a bit of character. And of course I decided to run with the late 1960’s feel with my color scheme and choice of furniture. There isn’t anything about this I don’t adore. And although it’s simple it is the first time I put Glen in a sitting position and drew a couch/seat. I don’t think I did too bad and I am amping up the courage to maybe do an animation one of these days…

Glen Stumbles Onto a Writer’s Block

It’s Monday again and as usual I am coming up blank with ideas… which gave me an idea! Here’s Glen taking a happy jaunt in the mountains when he stumbles upon… an actual writer’s block!

The Making of Glen

This week’s Glen might have been low on inspiration but it wasn’t low on enthusiasm! I have been watching a lot of Archer lately and I am so impressed by the layering and complexity that it has inspired me to take my overly simplistic little drawings and see how far I can push them. I mean I am not nearly as talented as the animators on that show but maybe someday with practice I could be… and maybe, just maybe, I should be dabbling in animation myself!

Glen Plays “Dungeons & Dragons”

Before you all start yelling at me, “THAT’S NOT HOW YOU PLAY D&D!” I KNOW. Gawd, do I know. This week I have been repeatedly asked to join a campaign. You are so sweet for inviting me but I don’t think you truly understand what you’re asking. This Glen comic is 100% the amount of seriousness I could pull off playing. I am only good at comic relief and I don’t think that’s an actual role sooooo….

The Making of Glen

This was an interesting comic because it started out being three panels in my head, you know a little conversation between Glen and an unseen narrator, but I managed to boil it down to one adorkable image. I recycled the background of my Popple Dungeon but added a few things – mainly I blurred the grout lines to make them look a little more realistic and a little less cheesy. I’m always in the air about whether I want Glen to be super simple and campy or weirdly realistic. This is apparent in the fact I started out trying to draw an actual Dungeons and Dragons suit of armour and ended up instead arming him with a rubber chicken….

I also realize this comic might come off as a bit… mmm…. misogynistic. Trust me, as an owner of tits and a twat I am actually making fun of the trope not endorsing it. Besides, all us nerds know virgins aren’t great dragon bait – they are much better at catching unicorns.

I have no control of Glen. He damn well does what he wants to do and I am but a hapless observer.

Glen Illustrates traditional American corporate morals…

I’m a little lat in posting today as I had some big ideas and well… they boiled down to this. I’m not unhappy with it.

The Making of Glen

This week’s Glen started out a cute idea and sort of turned into a snarky political commentary as I was drawing it. I didn’t mean for this to happen it just did – probably because these are things I have been thinking a lot about lately. I read an article yesterday saying countries in lockdown experianced an up to 90% decrease in premature births and scientists have noooo idea why! Thing is just ask any large scale breeder, social worker, or maternity nurse and they’ll tell you why — premature births are usually caused by too much stress on the mother. Telling new to-be moms to stay at home probably greatly reduced their stress levels! DUH.

Sorry, for the rant. I’m just getting increasingly agitated with the status quo. BUT ANYWAY I didn’t do anything new in this comic. Although I did trace a photo of a katydid to get them right. I am still pretty bad at free hand illustration.

Glen Hides Out in Gnomeman’s Land

So this week I have been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd… take that as you will.

The Making of Glen

I didn’t do anything fancy in this week’s Glen but I did find myself a human spellchecker!! (Which erased my need to post, fix, and then repost like I did the previous two weeks…)

Glen Meets a Newt

“Eye of newt, and toe of frog. For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble!” Clearly I have been reading too much Shakespeare as of late. Mix that with a walloping dose of insomnia and I think my brain is pretty well melted. Good thing that really works for me… and Glen of course.

The Making of Glen

It has come to my attention that my art, writing, and yes, even these comics, can be a little intimidating to some because of their complexity and layering of many puns on top of each other. So I have decided to bring it down a little, go back to the basics and make it super simple. Maybe then Glen will be an easier sell because as it stands right now his only diehard fans are all people who know me personally and already love me for my weird brain. That’s really sweet and I’m not ungrateful buuuut I would also love for him to be a little more approachable to the outside world.

Pirate Squirrel Drives Glen’s Nuts

Another day and another stretch of a pun, what can I say? It was a weird week. In today’s panel we get to see Pirate Squirrel stealing the ultimate ride – Glen’s acorn carriage. And we get to see Depressed Teddy all tangled up in the reigns!

The Making of Glen

I have been SO focused on writing and editing lately I haven’t had much time for Glen BUT with that being said I did add a few new elements this week. The first was a muse… I was completely and utterly out of ideas so I started having a nonsense conversation with someone until something came of it. This is so much easier than coming up with a new panel every week on my own!!

Besides that the biggest challenge I had drawing today’s panel would be the position of the depressed teddy bear…. again he’s in an odd position as I have him flopped up-side-down on the seat of the carriage tangled in the reigns. It’s… interesting how a teddy bear can change my perspective of the physical world…

I also stopped myself from making this comic overly complicated as I was going to have the squirrel driving out from under a house made of nuts… but that seems like a whole ‘nother joke in and of itself so I will save it for later!

Glen Fails at a Dad Joke

I admit it – I have been obsessed with my writing lately and not giving Glen the attention he needs. Also writing has been my entire world for a few weeks and it’s burrowed into my brain so deep that I was unable to come up with a plotline for this week’s comic that wasn’t writing related. So here we are! Making bad puns… about writing…

The Making of Glen

Today I decided to draw Glen Old School – in one layer! Using the same tools I would have in Classic Microsoft Paint. It was a fun jaunt down memory lane but only lasted until I had to put in speech bubbles and text which are automatically a new layer. And then I decided a plain solid colored background was boring so instead I put them on the beach. They like the beach. I think. I’m still struggling to get the right expression on these little buggars. Could use some help!

Glen’s Sweet Potato Commercial

This week was riddled with migraines and misery so the Glen comic I churned out is very simple… and terribly punderful. Did I get Gone with the Wind mixed up with Cassablanca in my head? Maybe…. but I don’t care, Glen is goddamn adorable in a fedora!