I’m not going to lie, this past week has been brutal. I am emotionally and physically completely spent and my life is weaving so wildly out of control I am not sure I will be able to catch myself this time. So I have had to look really deeply into myself and remember what makes this life worth fighting for and as stupid as it sounds Glen the Caterpillar is one of those things. He makes me happy when no one else can put a smile on my face and today he encouraged me not to give up with a shitty Rocky styled 1980’s sports montage. Bless his little rubbery blue heart.

The Making of Glen

I wasn’t sure how to compose this comic. I had a few ideas in my head but I didn’t really know how to show the full set of actions in one panel. I think I did alright… I cut a lot of corners and did a lot of things terribly old school because I just don’t have it in me today to let my Type A personality take over but I don’t think it made it any worse for wear. I got the point across and Glen is as adorable as ever.