This week I was running low on inspiration for Glen until the idea of drawing him as The Hanging Man popped into my head. I thought it’d be super cute to have him all tangled up and discombobulated. And when I drew it I was so happy with how it came out I knew I had to do a full spread – of totally random cards. You see, I don’t know diddly about Tarot.
That being said I sure had fun with this one! Glen is typically adorable and I couldn’t resist drawing a flaming tower, I mean who could?! Was it an unfortunate accident involving a Frankenstein-like experiment that caused this inferno or was the suicidal teddy bear at it again?? I do not know.
Of course now I have shared these four cards I am getting all sorts of commentary. “Now you need to draw THE WHOLE DECK!” “And a companion book! Glen’s view of the Tarot!” And I am struggling really hard not to do this because wow… it sounds like so much fun. I could learn the Tarot while drawing it! And there’s actually places I could print a self published deck these days. But who would buy them?! Glen isn’t that famous yet. Maybe someday…
The Making of Glen
I admit the past few Glen comics were… pretty quick and easy to draw. I’d become a bit lazy or maybe I was just lacking inspiration, I don’t know, but this week I was all in! And I had to do this in SO MANY LAYERS. Thirty-three to be exact and it wasn’t enough!
I learned that illustration can be moved and resized without issue but for whatever reason the text remains stubbornly where you put them. However the little grabby tool that looks like an arrow hovering over a cube works really well to just drag the text wherever. This was so much easier than the cut and pasting I was doing!
I’m also learning how to draw my characters from different poses and angles which sounds easy but wasn’t. Hanging Glen upside-down, putting things in his paws, and drawing the suicidal teddy lobbing itself out a window was difficult! Not to mention remembering how the hell I was making flames before! I think I failed there, honestly, but it doesn’t look that bad either.