Tag: adorable

Glen Stages a Mutiny…

The past week has been total chaos so I had to get inspiration for Glen from a dream – a dream I had after about 48 hours worth of dreams trying to sleep off a migraine. It makes little sense and doesn’t have any context but damn if it isn’t adorable! To pirate Glen!!

The Making of Glen

Today I played with some new textures trying to get the teddy bear right… I don’t think I am done fiddling with this but I am getting closer so that’s all that counts.

Glen’s Dinner is Stolen by Fluted Mushooms

This week’s Glen has been brought to you by a Julia Child cookbook and a tale of culinary school horror. To think until last week I had no idea what a fluted mushroom was. This explains why in Glen’s world fluted mushrooms are musical…

The Making of Glen

For the first time in a long time this week’s comic came to me long before I had to draw it. I still wasn’t sure how to draw an anthropomorphized mushroom but I think I did somewhat OK. And I admit I did not spend a lot of time on the flutes… but I didn’t think it really mattered. It was really just the idea I was trying to get across.