Alright, so I have a confession to make. Although I grew up predominantly in the 1990’s I was never fond of the music. In fact if you want me to instantly feel like shit just crank up some godawful pop from the era, you know something I probably had drilled into my brain while riding the bus to and from school, and bambo! I will be in a funk. A horrible 90’s induced depression haze. WOOHOO!
As such the only reason I have ever heard Oasis’ Champagne Supernova is because y’all kept pointing it out like, “Dude, these lyrics make no sense! Do this one!” And so I looked it up and you’re totally right. The lyrics are whack. So I sat for a few minutes wondering how the hell I was going to make sense of them. This is what Glen came up with and no, it’s not a coincidence he’s slogging through what appears to be a middle school hallway.