Author: Theophanes Avery

Theophanes Avery is a hapless wanderer, avid writer, artist, adventurer, joyfully androgynous being, and all around lover of life. They are the author of their debut book Honoring Echo as well as the writer of numerous blogs on many subjects.

Glen Learns How to Argue the Straw Man…

I know, I have been really bad at posting Glen regularly. It’s a conflict of schedule I have at the moment as well as the nature of life these days so I’m changing his day to Monday… and because I am very exhausted at seeing people argue I am making a little light of in this week’s comic. Ah Glen, my little glimmer of sanity…

Glen goes on a Ballooning Adventure…

This week’s Glen is more a reflection of the up and down nature of my own life than anything. Let’s go on a ballooning adventure, they said. It’ll be fun, they said… Glen pulls it off in a much cuter manner than I ever could though, so there’s that.

Glen Starts a Salon for Spiders

After a two week accidental hiatus and another insanely stressful day I have come to you with a new Glen two hours before midnight! YAY! It’s not my best work but it is damn adorable so there’s that.

Glen Illustrates traditional American corporate morals…

I’m a little lat in posting today as I had some big ideas and well… they boiled down to this. I’m not unhappy with it.

The Making of Glen

This week’s Glen started out a cute idea and sort of turned into a snarky political commentary as I was drawing it. I didn’t mean for this to happen it just did – probably because these are things I have been thinking a lot about lately. I read an article yesterday saying countries in lockdown experianced an up to 90% decrease in premature births and scientists have noooo idea why! Thing is just ask any large scale breeder, social worker, or maternity nurse and they’ll tell you why — premature births are usually caused by too much stress on the mother. Telling new to-be moms to stay at home probably greatly reduced their stress levels! DUH.

Sorry, for the rant. I’m just getting increasingly agitated with the status quo. BUT ANYWAY I didn’t do anything new in this comic. Although I did trace a photo of a katydid to get them right. I am still pretty bad at free hand illustration.

Glen Observes a Moment of Prayer…

Ooooh Glen, always trying to join in the fun. He may have bitten off more than he can chew on this one. Har-de-har-har.

The Making of Glen

I was running low on inspiration this week and running late drawing it. I really need to stop waiting until Friday! In any event it didn’t come out half bad. It took me less than an hour to draw. I traced a praying mantis, copy and pasted, and flipped horizontal to make two facing each other. All and all a very simple comic this week.

Glen has all his ducks in a row…

I’m not sure what’s up with Glen lately but it seems like every panel I draw just gets increasingly cutesy. Today’s duck heavy theme came from an unusually hostile reaction to Ducks on a Wall by the Kinks which I personally find hilarious but apparently other’s consider audible torture. Oh well, can’t have it all.

The Making of Glen

I was hoping my illustration program would already have bubbles as an effect option but alas it didn’t so I had to resort to drawing them all one by one. I debated if I wanted to make them more realistic with little light glares on each but I realize this is a cartoon and maybe not the best place for realism. Meanwhile everything else came pretty easy as I have learned I can draw any aspect of this comic as huge as I please and just shrink it to size. This seems to work better for me. Other than that this is a simple comic with not too much fancy going on.

Glen gives the baby Kracken his first ship…

I apologize for the lack of a Glen comic last week. I had a migraine all week and was so out of it that Friday came and went without me noticing. This week I have decided to make up for this by drawing something so intensely adorable it’ll have the power to melt your heart. And here it is! Inspired by a very late night conversation about how sea monsters should be “boopable.”

The Making of Glen

This week’s Glen was a tough concept for me to gather and make into a readable image. How does one draw a Kracken in a way that makes it look like a baby? And how does one get a ship in bottle??

The answer to the first was to put the Kracken in a crib and endear it to audiences with HUGE baby eyes. As for the ship… that was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I drew a ship and then drew a bottle around it one layer below it. Voila! Nothing else fancy done here except use layers to make the legs all make sense.

A final note here would be that right now as my mind juggles a billion other things I have found having a muse is essential. This time it was inspired by someone telling me about a story they were writing where they were criticized for making legendary sea monsters adorable. Did I hear a challenge??

Glen Meets Baby Cthulhu

It’s been a very Cthulhu-laden week and I can’t really complain! It was fun drawing him… as a baby… and who knows, maybe the reason he’s so evil is because no one showed him any love. Well, we all love you now baby Cthulhu!

The Making of Glen

This week I did something a little different by creating a three panel comic. For some reason my illustrator was NOT cooperating with me to allow me to copy and paste multiple layers so making three separate panels that were basically the same took more time than it should have. Other than that this was straight drawing. I didn’t really do anything weird, interesting, or new.

Glen Does an Infomercial

Today Glen shows everyone his little side hustle – perfume for cats. I think we can all agree we needed this this week. I know I did!

The Making of Glen

This week my inspiration for Glen was someone who wasn’t talking so well and said purry-fume instead of perfume. It was a long and trying week on us all but this made me laugh because I thought, “That COULD actually be a word…” And so I set about making a little infomercial. I didn’t do anything special illustrationwise but I am happy with the aesthetics none-the-less, and the idea of making the purrfume into a cat bottle that spritzes perfume out of it’s mouth… again that was all me being weird while I was drawing the thing. In the interest of keeping glen PG (which I don’t actually always want to do but my internet audience seems to want) I refrained from making a series of crude puns. SIIIIIIGH.

I think everyone is going a little insane lately. God know I am, so it’s been really nice to come up with a Glen comic I’m actually pretty proud of. Hope it made you laugh!

Glen Hides Out in Gnomeman’s Land

So this week I have been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd… take that as you will.

The Making of Glen

I didn’t do anything fancy in this week’s Glen but I did find myself a human spellchecker!! (Which erased my need to post, fix, and then repost like I did the previous two weeks…)