Last week I had a screaming migraine which resulted in me staying home instead of spending time with my muse. I fear this week’s Glen comic has suffered from this lack of creative inspiration. With that being said this is a shout out to everyone out there who has a pet that thinks it’s hilarious to sleep with their eyes open in the most death-like position they can muster.

The Making of Glen

Despite the migraine I have managed to accomplish a lot as an artist in the past couple weeks and this is starting to drift into my Glen comics. For instance I have discovered brush strokes – which is what I used to make the background.

In other news I am excited to share the fact I am studying tattooing in the hopes of maybe finding an employable use for my various artistic skills. God knows Glen isn’t breaking the bank with his little shop. Despite blasting his adorable face all over FaceBook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for almost two years he is almost up to one visitor a day on this website. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

And so I have started playing with creating tattoo designs and stabbing them into leather. Even better yet I got this awesome little transfer copier and look! Here are some of my designs ready to apply in mere seconds!!
