Tag: funny
Uh-Oh, Now I’m Drawing Comics…
People, politics, and the world at large got you wanting to punch the wall? Come, sit down, enjoy a bit of whimsy with me as I share some comics…
Some Dentists Get Bitten for a Reason
Read this epic tween saga that pits my youthful former self against a Novocaine wielding dentist who looked like Frankenstein.
Toronto is for Lovers – A Letter to a Pervy Friend
A crudely hilarious letter to send home detailing spring loaded cocks, whoring rubber hands, and ninjas. Oh Canada!
Fond Memories of Killing Off The Hanson Brothers…
What do you mean most children don’t have Barney and the tele-tubbies on a satirical hit list?
When the Torch is Passed Via an Apple Pie
Baking apple pie with my grandmother is a Thanksgiving tradition I will never forget.
Say What? My Oh-So French Teacher
Most people had a favorite teacher growing up. Mine was French and I loved her for her openly disdainful opinion of my peers.
Wife Beater V. Baseball Bat – a Story from the Backwoods of Maine
Sometimes every day heroes come in the form of a stringy 20-something year old woman weilding a baseball bat.
Camp Grenada Had Nothing on Ferry Beach
When I was ten years old I was given a penpal from one town over. The reason for this was simple. In the following year I would…
Never Ask for Directions to the Cracker Factory…
Sometimes having very loud and embarrassing friends can actually be pretty funny. Today I speak of a friend who once went to a flea market…
Boy it must have Sucked Being an Openly Bi-Sexual Man in a Small Town in the 1980’s…
These days my brain has been kicking in and just throwing me completely with random flashbacks of seemingly nothing. Today it was a memory of…