Honoring Echo got it’s Second Review!

I had long since given up on Honoring Echo. It’s a book so poorly loved that I am lucky when someone buys a copy every 4-6 months or so… It was far from being the moderate success I wished it to be and to make matters worse I didn’t really feel like marketing it much because I am a bit squeamish about saying, “HEY! Everyone lookee here! And read this book all about meeee!” Yes, it’s a memoir… about a completely random person. Hello, hard sell!

With that being said I more or less left it to languish. I stopped bothering to check if anyone bought it. I definitely stopped seeing if anyone reviewed it because why bother at that point? That is until I had to sign in to Amazon to get Milking the Cat all set up and ready to go. At this point I accidentally clicked “reviews” and was shocked… there’s a new review on there from May! From a complete and utter stranger and it’s so sweet it made my heart swell. It read:

1. Brenda reviewed Honoring Echo A page turner book 
May 9, 2020 I originally thought that the author seemed a little young to be writing a memoir, but they proved me wrong with their story. My only complaint would be that they seemed to have remembered Death Valley in Texas instead of California. But other than that, it is a well written book. I was amazed by page 2. The title is a perfect fit. They truly honored Echo. I look forward to more books by them.

So even though I am not supposed to talk back to reviews I have to say thank you Brenda, if you happen to be reading this, you really made my day!! Also, I will go fix that error now… WHOOPS.

Author: Theophanes Avery

Theophanes Avery is a hapless wanderer, avid writer, artist, adventurer, joyfully androgynous being, and all around lover of life. They are the author of their debut book Honoring Echo as well as the writer of numerous blogs on many subjects.