
Hello world! How’s it going? I suppose you’re reading this About page trying to figure out who the mysterious blogger is that’s been feeding you a suspicious amount of trivia facts on gender fuckery. My name’s Theophanes Avery. I’m just another blog-happy millennial who happens to be living life in the nonbinary realm. It’s pretty much like the rest of the world except there’s a lot more raised eye brows and confusion. As for myself I am pansexual, polyamorous, and playfully androgynous, all things I am sure will come up here at some point. My preferred pronouns are they/them and I fully admit that I celebrate both the feminine and masculine sides of my personality because I find my society’s idea of gender to be… full of shit. There’s plenty of room for all of us here on my blog, no matter how we chose to express ourselves, in fact that is part of my reason for being here.

I started this blog because I found there was a need for a resource that explicitly shows that nonbinary individuals have always existed in all corners of history and the only reason our society denies this is because we’ve been more or less erased, forgotten about, or only spoken of in hushed whispers. Even in the present we often find ourselves pushed to the outskirts of mainstream society, bubbled off where we can’t make too much of a fuss. It’s time for that to stop, It’s time to reclaim our heritage and celebrate who we really are. I hope this blog satisfies that need and if you have any questions or just want to say hello feel free to do so! I don’t bite. [Unless you ask politely then maybe.]