Hi! My name is Theophanes and I am a chronic blogger. It’s not because I need the attention, or the “money” I sometimes hear blogs can somehow magically generate, it’s really because I have a compulsive need to be unapologetically sarcastic, intensely distracted, and flagrantly spontaneous. In laymen’s terms I love telling a story, especially if it’s funny, and even more so if it’s weird. Also, I am a touch gender-fucked so a lot of the stories I conjure up have this as a core theme which is why I started this particular blog.
So I am inviting you, no matter who you are, to come join me as I travel through history, politics, literature, folklore, art, and God knows where else to delve into this deliciously satisfying subject of gender non-conformity. With any luck I’ll spread joy, understanding, and a good belly laugh. However take this as a fair warning – I don’t write while wearing my little kid gloves. I curse, I can be harsh, crude, and probably at times offensive. If you’re the type to get your panties tied in a bunch, write to your local religious affiliates about the trash you’re finding on the TV and internet, or cry over spilled milk, this is not the blog for you. Everyone else may have this free cyber hug. ***HUG** I know, we all have our days.
Peace and Love,