it’s been a while since I have updated this blog and I wanted to say that things are going well. My 55 gallon tank is growing all sorts of plants and I even have spotted my first baby shrimp! I’m hoping the fish, who are HEAVY with eggs, have been spreading them like confetti in the plants but I have yet to see evidence of fry. In the meanwhile I seem to have gotten a bit entranced by Bettas.
It was mostly because I found this gorgeous blue crowntail male at a pet store and brought him and his likely sister home in cups. And then I decided maybe I could have a sorority so I bought what ended up being a mystery pack and had them sent to my place. I ended up with six chunky beautifully colored halfmoons. And they all got along great in the new tank!
Sadly the Betta that started it all died and his sister a few days later. Looking at them in comparison to the new girls both were thin, frail, and much less interested in food. The new bettas think they’re piranhas! They NEVER miss a dinner!
I have set up several smaller tanks in preparation of eventually having fry be they from my original fish or the bettas. I’ll have to find some good chunky males. I have already started cruising mom and pop type pet stores in search of this mysterious new fella.
Anyway, here’s some photos of my new girls as well as well as the crowntail girl that died.