Hi! My name is Theophanes Avery. You probably don’t know me from my book Honoring Echo and my many many blogs. That’s OK. You’ll have time to learn as you fall down this deliciously deep rabbit hole I have created here.
I’m adding this blog to my long list because I thought others might find it interesting what writers do to get their stories on the page, published, and promoted. It’s half-way educational and halfway me just being sassy for no apparent reason. (There is a reason – it’ because I’m mad at myself for procrastinating writing in my actual manuscripts.)
I mean every journey is lonely unless you drag someone along kicking and screaming, right? I hope it’s not that bad but I will be very open and honest in what I have accomplished and what I still struggle with. I think the best support a writer can have is the cheers of other writers so welcome! And feel free to say hi!
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