I had long since given up on Honoring Echo. It’s a book so poorly loved that I am lucky when someone buys a copy every 4-6 months or so… It was far from being the moderate success I wished it to be and to make matters worse I didn’t really feel like marketing it much because I am a bit squeamish about saying, “HEY! Everyone lookee here! And read this book all about meeee!” Yes, it’s a memoir… about a completely random person. Hello, hard sell!
With that being said I more or less left it to languish. I stopped bothering to check if anyone bought it. I definitely stopped seeing if anyone reviewed it because why bother at that point? That is until I had to sign in to Amazon to get Milking the Cat all set up and ready to go. At this point I accidentally clicked “reviews” and was shocked… there’s a new review on there from May! From a complete and utter stranger and it’s so sweet it made my heart swell. It read:

So even though I am not supposed to talk back to reviews I have to say thank you Brenda, if you happen to be reading this, you really made my day!! Also, I will go fix that error now… WHOOPS.