Well, if you follow this blog you already know that I am clocking over 2,000 words a day since the New Year and it’s been great! I have learned I do have the dedication to do this and I have made massive headway quite fast! I’m actually pretty stoked about the whole thing… about potentially being able to publish several books this year. I didn’t think I was the type!
But anyway… I had always thought the reason I never published a book previous to the one I have out now is because I didn’t have the determination, the drive, or the know-how. And even after I published Honoring Echo I sort of brushed it off as somehow not counting because it was a memoir, not fiction, and when I’m writing about my life – well that’s just really easy to pound out. Fiction takes far more concentration for me.
So imagine my shock yesterday when I discovered a series of old files hidden in an obsolete e-mail account that had within them several partial and at least one completed manuscript of 66,000 words which I had no recollection of ever finishing. The timing was suspect, the date stamped on them was just before I got messed up with my narcissistic ex which explains why I have no memory of it and why I stopped writing all together in those years (as life became 100% about dealing with him and after our break up it was about recovering from years of trauma.) Well! I am back on my feet now. I know how to publish a book and these manuscripts look amazing. I look forward to reading them, perhaps working on them if they need it, and sending them out to an editor. I finally have something I can be super proud of that proves I was as tenacious as I needed to be all along – I wasn’t a failure, I was just made to believe I was after my life was repeatedly savaged by someone with flaming NPD. But I survived, I’m still writing, and I WILL be an established author with a sustainable income from it, just you watch. Do you hear that world? Because here I come!