Looks like I am moving up in the world! I admit I haven’t had much time, energy, or patience, to promote my book and as such I haven’t sold any…. but that’s not to say I’m not trying! Now I am back to feeling like my old self I have gone back to FaceBook, Twitter, my blogs, and now Amazon.
Apparently Amazon has an Author Page you can set up so people can follow you. I can make announcements about book signings or other events related to my book. I added a photo and spent two hours painfully ripping a profile blurb out of the air. I never know what to say about myself. So far I have written a different about page for all seven of my blogs in addition to whatever I have going on Facebook and Twitter. You’d think I’d be good at it by now or at least hate it a little less. No…. not really. I always feel so braggadocios when I am trying to write them and that’s the antithesis of who I really am. Still – I manage.

Today it’s raining and dreary outside so I am inside working to write and transfer more blog entries. I have about 150 old ones to either rewrite or transfer and my brain has been super annoying giving me new ideas to also add! I’m hoping with time this website will actually gain traffic. Right now it’s seventh on the search engine results for my name…. even though it’s my name at a dot com…. try to figure that one out!
My mind is really coming alive, maybe because the sun is back. I’m struggling to focus to get the above things done before starting more blogs or manuscripts because I don’t really need MORE on my plate and yet… I just want to play with new ideas! And I feel like my writing is getting better and everything looks more professional. I know I am probably biased but maybe, just maybe, all this work I am doing will mean something someday.
As it stands now my current blog entry counts are as follows:
Catching Marbles: 217
Deranged Thoughts from a Cluttered Mind: 17
This Blog: 10
My Book Reviews: 9
Adventures in Gender Fuckery: 5
Historic Ramblings: 1 (plus one I had to take down because AdSense is a cry baby that can’t handle the word condom.)
Total: 429